2008年2月3日 星期日

Questions of 8.3


1.A(n) _____is any substance that flows.

2.Explain what is viscosity?

3.what happened when the viscosity of a fluid decrease.

4.How can you compare the viscosity of different fluids?

5.What happens when a gas is heated?

6.The slower the fluid flow, the _____ the viscosity.

7.Heating a liguid ____ its viscosity.

8.Give some example of viscous liquid.

9. What does surface tension means?

10.The ____ of a liquid is the speed at which a fluid flows from one point to another.



2.The thinness or thickness of a liquid is a property of fluids calles viscosity.

3.When the viscosity of a fluid decrease, its flow rate increase.

4.You can compare the viscosity of different fluids by comparing their flow rate.

5.Heating a gas increase its viscosity.


7.Heating a liquid decreased its viscosity.

8.molasses, oil, honey.

9.The water particles at the surface attract each other in a way that makes the surface act like a skin.

10. flow rate
