2008年2月9日 星期六

9.3 Natural Fluid system

circulatory system

The circulatory system is an example of a natural fluid system.

The heart bumps blood through the circulatory system.

The force of the blood on the walls of the blood vessels is called blood pressure.

breathing is partly the result of changes in air pressure.

Natural Fluid system

Natural fluid system exist around us in atmosphere.(inside earth, in the oceans)

understanding fluid system also allows us to develop new models for forcasting extreme weather like hurricans.

Fluid systems in human

humans' body is an excellent example of a natural fluid system.

The human body is about 66 percent water.

Water plays many important roles in our body.

  • absorb food

  • transport nutrients

  • remove wastes

  • protect our tissues

too much or too little water can interfere with proper blood circulation.

The circulatory system

The most efficient natural hydraulic systems is the human circulatory system.

The circulatory system transports blood around the body. Blood vessels are like pipelines that carry the blood to all parts of the body.

At the centre of the circulatory system is the powerful and amazing pump, the heart.

The constanting beating of the heart keeps the blood moving throughout the blood vessels.

Blood pressure

The force of the blood on the walls of the blood vessels is called blood pressure.

Blood pressure is measured with a sphygmomanoter. A sphygmomanoter works by putting pressure on the blood vessels in your arm to stop the flow of blood for a few seconds. The doctor listens carefully with a stethoscope as the pressure of the sphygmomanometer is released.

Anything that blocks blood vessels can cause problems for the whole system, such as heart attack. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. If arteries become blocked, blood pressure can get too high or too low.

The respiratory system and pneumatic system

The respiratory system is the body system that brings air into the body and remove carbon dioxide from the body.

Breathing involves changes in air pressure inside and outside our body.

When you inhale , your chest expands because muscles between your ribs push the ribs apart to make a bigger space.

A sheet of muscle in the lower chest, called the diaphragm, moves downward to make a bigger space.

The bigger space in your chest makes the air pressure inside your lungs lower. The air outside your body is higher in pressure. so the air rushes into your body and into your lungs.

When you exhale, the air pressure inside your lungs gets higher. Air is pushed out of your lungs and out of your body.

Anything that blocks the passages that carry air in and out of your body can cause problems for the whole system.

passages can swell up from infections.

A disease called athama also makes the passages narrower.
