2008年2月3日 星期日

Chapter 8 questions


1.what is a difference between a contact force and an action-at-a-distance force?

2.How is weight different from mass?

3.A(n)______ is a push or a pull that acts on an object.

4.Force is measured in units called _____.

5.what is a balanced force.

6.What is an unbalanced force.

7. Give an example of a static electricity.

8.Give the examples of the types of forces.

9.What is the unit for weight?

10.What is the unit for mass?

1.contact force have effect only an objects that they touch.
Action-at-a-distance force acts on objects withput touching them.

2.Weight is the amount of force that gravity exerts on the mass of an object.
The mass of an object measured the amount of matter in it.


4. newtons

5.They are equal in size, and they act in opposite direction.

6.They are not equal in size, it acts in the direction of the stronger force.


8.Friction, tension, elastic, gravitation, magnetic, static electicity.


