2008年2月7日 星期四

9.2 Constructed fluid system

A Fluid system

A fluid system is something that makes use of a gas or a liquid to perform tasks.

liquid=hydraulic system.

gas=pneumatic system.

ex: the pipes are part if the fluid system.
A jackhammer that chip throuh pavement is also a fluid system.

Hydraulic system

Hydraulics is the study of how liquids act when they are under pressure.

Most hydraulic systems apply a force on a liquid that fills a closed space. ex: tank or a pipe.

You use a hydraulic system when you turn on a hose or water pipe.

#When you squeeze a toothpaste, you are using a hydraulic system, too.

In many hydraulic systems, pumps are used to give the force that pushes the liquid. It puts the liquid under pressure.

Mechanics depend on hydraulic system to lift cars and heavy objects.

They use a hyraulic multiplication to increase and transmit a force through a liquid from one place ot another.

Pneumatic system

Pneumatic is the study of how gasesact when they are under pressure.

Pneumatic system: A device that uses gas under pressure to apply a force in order to move something.

The force of pneumatic system can be used to fill tires, bring heavy trucks to a safe stop-air brakes.

Problems with hydraulic and pneumatic systems

#Hydraulic and pneumatic systems cannot work if they lose pressure.

#Hydraulic and pneumatic systems cannot work if they become blocked.

Ex: if a vacuum cleaner become clogged with dust it will not work well.
