2008年2月3日 星期日

Questions of 8.2


1.Why can you compress a gas but not a liquid or a solid.

2.What does deformation means?

3.What is the formula of measures pressure.

4.____ is the amount of force that acts on a given area of an objects.

5. 1kPa=( )pa

6.What is the unit for pressure?

7.what is the symbol of pascal?

8.What is a compression.

9.Area is often measured in ____.

10.What will happened to the pressure if the force is decreased?


1. There are a large amount of space between its particles.

2. Deformation means a change of shape without being force into a smaller volume.

3. p(pressure)=F(force)/A(area)

4. pressure

5. 1000Pa

6. kilopascal(kPa)


8. Compression is a decrease in the volume of matter cause by a force.

9. square metres

10. The pressure will also decrease.
